Showing posts with label List Fields. Show all posts
Showing posts with label List Fields. Show all posts

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Error while adding Site columns (fields) to list content types

Recently, I had a situation where I need to add site columns (available in root web) to a content type reference in a particular list under a particular web.

I wrote the code below 
var field = web.Site.RootWeb.AvailableFields[new Guid("<<FieldID>>")];
foreach (SPContentType cType in web.Lists["ListName"].ContentTypes)

but it was not working as expected and throwing the below exception

"This functionality is unavailable for field collections not associated with a list."

After some research, I came to know that the field needs to be added as a SPFieldLink and not as SPField itself since the field already exists in the root web. The below modified code is working fine for me.

var field = web.Site.RootWeb.AvailableFields[new Guid("<<FieldID>>")];
foreach (SPContentType cType in web.Lists["ListName"].ContentTypes)
    SPFieldLink fieldLink = new SPFieldLink(field);

Hopefully this helps some one or may be myself in the future when I struggle with the same issue.

Senthil S